
An引擎is a most important part of the vehicle. An engine consists of a combustion chamber,carburetor,piston, and燃油泵。燃燒室是一部分IC發動機在哪個air-fuel mixture burns at a constant temperature, and in a gas turbine, this combusted air-fuel mixture expands to produce electricity. This article mainly explains the types, working, and applications of the combustion chamber.

What is a Combustion Chamber?

A燃燒室is a part of the內燃機在哪個combustion of the air-fuel mixture takes place。This is an enclosed cylinder. A燃燒室也被稱為一個combustor

燃燒室往複式發動機has apiston。該活塞在腔室內往複運動以壓縮空氣燃料混合物。

As the mixture is compressed, a spark plug (in anSI發動機)產生火花並點燃壓縮的空氣燃料混合物。燃燒室內的空氣燃料混合物點火過程高度增加了腔室的內部溫度和壓力。在點火過程之後,活塞將燃燒的混合物從腔室中排出。

TheIC發動機combustion cylinder contains many parts such as a fuel pump, fuel nozzles, spark plug, and piston.


Working of Combustion Chamber

燃燒室是發動機最重要的部分之一。燃燒室的主要功能是燃燒空氣 - 燃料混合物並產生高壓和溫度氣體。



  1. Firstly, the carburetor sucks air from the environment, mixes it with fuel, and delivers this mixture to the engine combustion chamber.
  2. The chamber has a reciprocating piston.
  3. 當空氣燃料混合物進入腔室時,活塞壓縮。
  4. At the end of the compression process, a spark plug ignites the mixture.
  5. The combusted air-fuel mixture generates high-pressure and high-temperature gases inside the chamber.
  6. As the combustion process completes, the piston expels the high-pressure mixture out of the chamber and introduces it into an expansion valve where it expands.
  7. When the high-pressure mixture expands, it exerts a force on the top of the piston and reciprocates it.
  8. As the piston receives pressure energy from the combusted mixture, it converts this energy into mechanical energy (reciprocating motion). A connecting rod connects to the piston. As the piston transfers its motion to the connecting rod, the rod coverts reciprocating motion into rotary motion.
  9. 連杆將其旋轉運動帶入曲軸。
  10. 當曲軸接收運動時,它會轉動飛輪,進一步轉動車輛輪胎。

Types of Combustion Chambers


  1. According to the fuel type or combustion cycle
  2. According to the

1) According to the Combustion Cycle


燃燒室汽油或SI發動機has an easy design than the柴油發動機chamber. In this engine, acarburetor用來將空氣和燃料從腔室中混合。

When the air and fuel mixture is mixed, it transfers into the combustion chamber for the combustion process. This engine has a spark plug at the top of the combustion chamber. When the fuel-air mixture is compressed, the spark plug produces a spark that starts the combustion of the mixture.


  1. 它有助於產生最高的發動機功率。
  2. The combustor lowers the maintenance needs of the engine
  3. 它達到了高熱效率。
  4. 它確保了發動機的平穩運行。
  5. Extends engine service life.
  6. It helps to stop detonation or to knock.

Read More:不同類型的SI發動機


The柴油發動機沒有carburetor。Therefore, the mixing of the air and fuel occurs inside the combustion chamber. The diesel engine combustor has no spark plug. In this chamber, the combustion of the air-fuel mixture occurs due to the high compression of the air.

The design of the diesel engine chamber is more complex than the petrol engine chamber. The working of the diesel engine is totally different than the SI engine.

The diesel engine combustion chamber has the following major function:

  • In the diesel engine, only air is present during suction and compression strokes while fuel is injected at the end of the compression stroke.
  • The diesel chamber takes a very short time to mix the fuel and air.
  • Air swirls play a vital function for better mixing and better combustion during the combustion process. Swirl is a variety of air transfer methods used to properly mix air and fuel in the combustion chamber.
  • 燃燒器的適當工作對於有效的燃燒,霧化,蒸發和與空氣合適的混合非常重要。它完成所有這些步驟比SI發動機室更快。
  • It provides increased power, less lag time, quieter engine operation, smooth operation, better engine efficiency, and reduces the chance of detonation.

Read More:Working and types of Diesel Engines


  1. 能量電池燃燒器
  2. 開放式燃燒​​器
  3. 預燃燒室
  4. Squish combustor
  5. Swirl combustor
  6. 空氣電池和能量細胞

1) Open Combustion Chambers

These types of combustion chambers are most commonly used in high and medium-speed engines.

This chamber has a fuel injector installed at the center of the cylinder head so that it can easily inject fuel into the chamber. The Leyland Bus engine uses this combustor.

優點and Disadvantages of Open Combustion Chambers
優點 Disadvantages
由於最小傳熱損耗,該燃燒器具有最大的熱效率。 The engine having these chambers have a large size.
具有這些燃燒室的發動機易於啟動。 該腔室需要高壓和具有多個孔的噴嘴。
They have a simple design. It has a high maintenance cost.

2) Pre-Combustion Chamber

These chambers are commonly employed in high-speed engines. These engines have two chambers:

  1. 輔助燃燒室(預燃燒室)
  2. Main combustion chamber

The auxiliary combustion chambers have a small size than the main combustion chambers.


優點and Disadvantages of Pre-combustor
優點 Disadvantages
These types of combustion chambers have the capability to use fuel with high cetane number. The construction of the engine becomes complicated because of the pre-combustion chamber.
The fuel injection nozzle of these combustors has a simple design. 預燃燒室發動機具有低熱效率。
The engine having this combustion chamber generates a small knocking and high compression ratio. They have high fuel consumption.
發動機的操作順利。 It has significantly high heat loss.
These engines can run at very high speed. The engine has a difficult cold starting.

3) Swirl Chamber


In this chamber, a swirl provides to the air as it enters the combustor. Fuel is injected into this swirling air. This swirling air completely mixes with the fuel and burns completely.

優點and Disadvantages of Swirl Combustor
優點 Disadvantages
它們可以使用高十六烷值的燃料。 這些燃燒器也有很高的損失。
These chambers use a simple nozzle because the pattern of injection and injection pressure is not compulsory due to swirl. The engine has low thermal efficiency.
發動機需要低維護。 Difficult start of a cold engine.
發動機運行平滑。 High fuel consumption.
The swirl combustion chamber engines can run at high speed because they have a very small delay period.

4) Squish Combustion Chamber

This chamber has a squish air flow. This air flows from the periphery of the cylinder towards the chamber center. A slot is made inside the piston head to create a sizzling combustion chamber.

During the compression stroke, the piston of this chamber squeezes the air from its periphery to its center. This action creates vortices in the air. A fuel pump injects fuel into the center of the chamber.

5) Air Cell Combustor

It is a small combustion chamber. It connects to the main combustion chamber by air through a slim passage. The cell air chamber compresses air in the air cell during the compression stroke.

隨著燃料泵注入燃料室,the fuel burns and the piston travels from TDC to BDC. During this motion of the piston, the hot compressed air from the air cell enters the main chamber, generates swirling air, and completes the combustion process.


優點and Disadvantages of Air Cell Combustion Chamber
優點 Disadvantages
具有這些燃燒器的發動機具有輕鬆的冷啟動。 They have high fuel consumption.
它具有低的廢氣率。 空氣電池燃燒室不適合可變速度發動機。
它提供了出色的燃料和空氣混合,從而改善了燃燒過程。 They have low thermal efficiency.


The Lanova combustor is also referred to as an energy cell combustor. It works on the air cell and pre-combustion chamber principle.



In these chambers, the fuel combustion process firstly occurs in the main combustion chamber and then diffuses into the power cells where pressure builds. A pressure difference generates when the piston goes from the TDC to BDC because the high-pressure air-fuel mixture moves from the power cell to the main combustion. This process creates turbulence flow of air, and complete combustion takes place.

FAQ Section



  1. 空氣電池和能量細胞
  2. Swirl combustor
  3. 能量電池燃燒器
  4. 開放式燃燒​​器
  5. Squish combustor
  6. 預燃燒室

What are the parts of the combustion chamber?


  1. Piston walls
  2. Cylinder liners
  3. 氣缸頭
  4. 排氣口的牆壁
  5. 活塞冠
  6. 密封圈
  7. Flare
  8. 燃油噴嘴
  9. 主要區域


A combustion chamber is a place where the combustion of the air-fuel mixture takes place. Its main function is to burn the air-fuel mixture and prevents the generated heat from escaping. This output heat generates a thrust which moves the piston. As the piston moves, it further moves thecrankshaft它轉動車輪。

Read More
  1. 發動機的類型
  2. Types of IC Engines
  3. Working and types of Petrol Engine
  4. Working and types of Diesel Engine
  5. Function of Piston

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